
During the last decades we have seen how the competitive procedure becomes
a key moment for the life of companies, both for their survival and for their dissolution.
Given the large volume of actors involved in a procedure of these characteristics,
from GuerraMercadal we prioritize the objectives of the company and its members, for
above individual interests.

We carry out diagnosis and analysis of the company’s situation, possible actions
immediate measures to resolve the pre-bankruptcy situation, which include the negotiation
directly with financial entities or other organizations such as the Tax Administration,
Social Security, among others, as well as creditors and suppliers of the company.

Another of the aspects in which GuerraMercadal will act will be the management, restructuring and,    where appropriate, reduction of the wage mass through the corresponding files. 
If pertinent, our lawyers help to process the bankruptcy procedure,
in all its phases, including the possible liability of administrators.
Likewise, GuerraMercadal provides legal, economic and fiscal advice to people in
insolvency situation who wish to avail themselves of the Exemption Benefit program of the
Dissatisfied Liability, also known as contest of natural person.


Guerra Mercadal offer the following Bankruptcy services

Previous study of regulatory compliance of the entity

Risk analysis and diagnosis

Design of Optimal Control Measures

Preparation of the Crime Prevention Model
